
標題: 郁金香的禅意舞姿 [打印本頁]

作者: 梦旅人    時間: 2015-4-15 14:18
標題: 郁金香的禅意舞姿
  以瑞典斯德哥尔摩为根据地的Carl Kleiner是一个特别的摄影师。Carl Kleiner的团队告诉gooood,出生于1983年,作为宜家,优衣库,索尼等产品御用摄影师的Carl Kleiner不光用摄像记录世界,拍摄出一流的景物摄影,更把摄像作为具有洞察力的视觉媒介。Postures- 姿势是Carl Kleiner创作的惊艳系列--用导线引导郁金香的造型,放在黑色或者白色的背景下进行拍摄,强调花朵的色彩与姿态,创作出美丽,浪漫,现代,优雅,并且饱含禅意和张力的舞姿。
  Carl Kleiner实在是一个界限宽广,创意满满的摄影师。
  In the times when almost everyone can start taking pictures of the nearest surrounding and thereby become a photographer, it takes a lot of patience and sensitivity to find a good project. Carl Kleineris one of those rare examples of artists that not only documents the
world around with his camera, but also treats photography as a medium for creating the most insightful visions. His series Postures isa collection of pictures of tulips that are lifted into position by a wire construction. The fragile figures of flowers are emphasised by either black or white background. Hung in the air, the flowers look like they were just about to move or dance. Carl’s not only the master of composition, but also has an exceptional sense of colour. With such skills he creates romantic yet modern images that really move the observer by their aesthetics.

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