
標題: Floating House in Ogasa by Shuhei Goto Architects [打印本頁]

作者: 佛教精舍    時間: 2016-1-22 15:28
標題: Floating House in Ogasa by Shuhei Goto Architects


A concept of this house is a “new openness” in densely built-up residential areas. The site is surrounded by the houses of neighbors, so the main theme of design is to form “a space excellent in privacy” and “an open space with brightness”.

▽ 从远处看建筑的西立面,distant view from west side

▽ 从东南侧看建筑,view from south-east side

▽ 南立面,view from south side

▽ 东立面,view from east side

▽ 西立面夜景,night view from west side


A 360 degree opening has been realized by using a steel frame between the wooden first and second floor. A living room is surrounded by the sky on every side, and a resident doesn’t have to care about neighbors. This house can bring him/her a bright and healthful life.

▽ 由南向北看起居室,view main room from south

▽ 由北向南看起居室,view main room from north

▽ 从起居室看榻榻米空间,view tatami space from living room

▽ 厨房,view kitchen

▽ 楼梯,view stairs

▽ 概念图示,concept diagram

▽ 设计灵感的来源:建于公元前300年的日本传统的架空式货仓

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