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木材雕刻家Paul Kaptein2014精选作品

梦旅人 發表於 2015-5-25 16:40:01 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

  Paul Kaptein 是澳大利亚西北部珀斯一位自学成才的木材雕刻家。他分享了自己2014年最新作品and in the endless sounds there came a pause 和Every breath, a dying star。

  and in the endless sounds there came a pause这个作品是一个仿佛被神秘时空所扭曲的东方僧侣冥想盘坐雕像。

  Every breath, a dying star是一个闭眼男子,他的胸前有恒星坐标,某些恒心点镂空贯穿整个雕像,而绕到雕像背后,还有更多的孔点,不过大多数都没有穿透。这些作品用最古老工艺打造的作品对当代社会问题紧紧追问,探讨了过去与未来,时间与空间,现实与幽默。

  Every breath, a dying star
  Paul Kaptein is an artist based in Perth, Western Australia.
  Kaptein’s work explores the Now as a remix of past and future potentialities and as such opens up new ways to consider the present.
  For Kaptein, a sculptor and self taught woodcarver, wood suggests the temporal trajectories of time (past, present, future) that inform the conceptual nature of his work. He sees woodcarving as an ancient craft that provides a counterpoint to contemporary concerns and the immediacy of contemporary society, and the perfect medium through
which to explore the Heideggerian idea that technology removes us from ourselves.
  Gaps in the wood suggest matter expanding, collapsing and reforming as well as disrupted data streams, silences and ultimately the empty space through which matter emerges.
  Underlying many of Kaptein’s works there is an uneasy tension between and juxtaposition between a kind of spirituality and technological intervention - all deciphered through a wry, dark humour.
  all photos by Kingsley Burton

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